Tuesday, November 21, 2006


  • We have taken an exam style question for the Leaving Cert on the Karstic Region.
  • We have examined how we are going to implement this into the webquest.
  • We will put the class into groups of two.
  • We will set out the guidelines and outline to the class what they are required to do.
  • We will tell the students, what is actually required, in terms of hard and software, ie, PC, printer, internet explorer, microsoft word, acetates and overhead projector.
  • They will be graded on a Rubric
  1. 10% Team work
  2. 60% Report
  3. 30% Oral presentation-summarize their findings

How it fits into curricular area?

Overall Aims

  1. To prepare the students for LC standard answer (curriculum)
  2. To make students active in their own learning (websearching)
  3. To develop communication skills (Teamwork)
  4. To build on existing knowledge (constructivism)

This is the bare bones of our webquest presentation. I hope the class enjoys it. I have the powerpoint presentation prepared and handouts for the group in Edtech of all the Internet Resources that would be given to complete the task and I have summed up what is contained in each site. I will present four sites in the presentation to give the group a taste of the Internet as a resource for students.

I must comment that this would be a valuable lesson to give to fifth years, as they would be actively engaged in their own learning and the teacher would facilitate them with guidance during the five computer lessons assigned to complete the task.


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