Thursday, November 09, 2006


How do Handouts support more effective learing?

I know that handouts are an excellent way to Keep students focused. For example, in my last History class I discussed the different types of sources available to Historians. I took contributions from the class and wrote them on the white board. I asked the students; 'what are the problems associated with each of these sources?'. I allowed the students to come up with their own ideas. I distributed a handout of the problems associated with the sources, so the students and I could read them in class, to supplement their ideas. They will use the handout for future reference, ie to complete their homework and study for an assessment at the end of the section covered in History.

In my geography classes, I use handout to enhance their learning experience. I prepare and present acetates of physical features in class. They listen and look at the visual aids of the acetates. In the middle of class, I distribute a handout, reading about a feature in more detail. These handouts include graphics to stimulate their learning. The students can take the handout home with them and use them to assist them with their homework.

All the students are required to keep their handouts in a folder. Their folders will be checked and graded at the end of the year. This grade will be going towards their end of year mark.

For the assignment, I created a handout on the Hydrological Cycle. Using the computer skills I learned in my EdTech, I created a diagram of the Hydological Cycle using the Tool Bar. I researched the Internet for the important terminology used in the Hydrological Cycle, ie, Precipitation, Condensation, Evaporation and I looked up their meaning. I used the information from the Internet and the school Text book, to explain the Hydrolgical Cycle. I then constructed a word puzzle on the Hydrological Cycle, so that the students would have to look up the letters of the word in the word search puzzle,therefore the students are unconsciously looking up the letters to spell the important words. I created the puzzle on the internet

After the Edtech lesson on handouts, I have become more aware of ownership and management of handouts. I provide a space at the top of their handout for their name and date. I have also become more aware of the font and font size I use when creating handouts for my classes.

Handouts assist me in my teaching. I don't want to bore students by talking to them all the time. The handout diverts attention from me. I always give my classes a handout on exercises and Homework. This is a brilliant way for me to look back in my teaching folder and examine the work that we have covered in the class previous.

I had an unfortunate incident two weeks ago, where a student in my class crumpled up a handout and where another student crumpled up his corrected test and threw it in the bin. I spoke to both pupils after class and I explained the work I had put into the Handouts. I explained how they took time and effort and that they benefit from them now and next Year, during their exam year. I told them that they showed me disrespect. I warned that I would checking their folders at the end of the Year.

Handouts are excellent assistors in teaching.


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