Monday, April 16, 2007

Reserve Defence Forces and my Easter Break

I spent the last two weeks on a Potential NCO course in Cavan. After the two weeks, I was presented with a certificate allowing me to train recruits, two stars and three stars in the Reserve Defence Forces.

I found the course very worthwhile. I found the PNCO course had many similarities with Postgraduate Diploma in Education.

During the two weeks, i was training to be an instructor, so I attended many lectures on the Methods of Instruction. I was also spent 36 hours on the ground participating in Section Attacks....

Lots of fun and games.....

Monday, March 26, 2007


I can honestly say that I will be very efficient in creating a webquest after I have the assignment completed and presented next Thursday. I have spent a few hours every day last week and today on the webquest. It takes time but it'l be worth it in the end.

My group is creating a webquest on the Burren. The students will be Environmental Reporters. They will create a newscast to inform the nation on the arguments for and against the proposed development in the Burren. They are assigned specific roles;
  • Geologist
  • Naturalist and
  • Environmentalist.

The students are actively engaged in their learning, while using the internet as a resource. They are responsible for the own work and therefore they will reap all the rewards. It is a fun exercise. They will complete a report and presentation, using the sources given on the webquest. They will be evaluated on the presentation (50%), report (40%) and team work (10%).

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I had a pleasant weekend. I went home on Friday and I prepared myself for the Saint Patrick's Day Parade. I marched as a member of the RDF in Claremorris. There were three marching including myself. I was proud to march behind our National Flag.

On Sunday, I attended a play 'Harvey' in Louisburgh with my family. It was about a Phuca. It was good laugh and the cast were excellent.

On Monday, I went to Funster World in Castlebar with my nephew, two sisters and brother. We had a great time in the balls, slides and the soft ball court.

Friday, March 09, 2007


  • I completed the Ceardtheastas (Irish oral) exam... I felt it went very well. The interviewer asked me unexpected questions. Thankfully I understood him.

  • The interviewer asked me to talk about my area and I spoke of the amenities in the area. He asked me about Croagh Patrick (shown in the image) and I discussed Croagh Patrick. I talked about Climbing it every year for personal intentions and penance.

  • The interviewer asked me about my 'Loistin' and I discussed how the price of living and accommodation is rising in Galway.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Public Facilities

I seen the most horrendous thing today. I was walking to school this morning and as usually I took a short cut through the Millenium Children's Park, opposite the University. I noticed the Portal Toilet opened and I looked in as I passed by.... I wish I hadn't. I witnessed the cleaner wiping the toilet with a cloth and then wiped the sink using the same cloth...... I was disgusted. This is a facility used by children.... Can you imagine the germs!!!!!???
On my way from school, I took note that the Portal loo charges for use.... I just cannot believe it!! When you think that your washed hands are clean and hygienic..
What should I do on this matter? Should I write to the Galway County Council??

Monday, March 05, 2007

Semester Courses

I was selected on the Bren Team this year. The competitions were held last Saturday, but I couldnt attend, because I wanted to attend my semester course in Transition Year. I understood it was mandatory to attend on the given dates, however on Saturday, I learned that Students have been facilitated with another day to attend the course.

I thoroughly enjoyed the course on Transition Year, given by Sheila Coady. She has so much energy and her motivation and enthusiasm of Transition Year has rubbed off. I found the course stimulating and all the students participated and I learned alot.....

I started my project today. We have been assigned to build three modules for Transition Year.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Reserve Defense Forces

I am a Potential NCO. I hope to complete my NCO Course this year and I will become a Corporal, in the Reserve Defense Forces. This will allow me to teach Recruits.....
Take a look at the following website for more information on the Defense Forces.

Reserve Defense Forces

I spent the weekend in CavanBarracks on a Potential NCO Course.

I hope that I will be a Corporal in the Reserve Defense Forces by the end of the year. This will allow me to teach Recruits footdrill and the training of weapons. I have to attend a two week course to obtain the Corporal Position.
I will undergo intensive training.

During the weekend, I learnt the 'Qualities of Instruction'. I learned that 'nothing is taught, unless something is learned'... The weekend was a revision of what I have learned on the Postgraduate Diploma in Education Course.

For my two weeks,I will have to prepare lesson plans and give lessons in front of officers. I will be obliged to use teaching aids, such as Powerpoint and charts.

This Nco course will be very beneficial.